Application For Credit
Apply for a credit line with Marcone now! Just get an application, print, fill out completely, sign and then fax to Member Services at 888.736.7921.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your terms?
Our terms are net 10 EOM. Purchases made during the month are payable prior to the 10th of the following month.
How do you establish credit limits?
We really look at several aspects of your business before making a determination. Your estimated monthly purchases, review of your application and evaluation of your references all play a part.
Once a credit limit is established, can I ever get it increased?
Yes. This would be based on your purchase history and your payment history. We have to make some subjective decisions when we first establish a credit limit for you. We are more than willing to make adjustments where appropriate.
How quickly can an account be set up?
Normally an account is set up within 24 hours of submission of your application. You are immediately set up as a "cash account" if you wish. It typically takes up to 7 to 10 days for your bank and supplier references to respond to our inquiries‚ so that we can make a final determination as to your credit limit.
Could I order today?
Yes. Payment would be by cash or credit card because we wouldn't have had time to process your application and review your references.